Hey ya’ll and welcome to my website!


Whether it’s our first time meeting, or we’re already cool like that, I invite you with air hugs and Peanut M&Ms…cause I’ll share if that means you’ll stay for a while and I get to be real chatty with all things Brittanie!---and I’m Brittanie with an ie, Smith if you care, and writer, blogger, storyteller, and author if you’re here for any of those reasons.

I’m a creative being by nature, and I’m nurturing my writing in ways like newborns that grow and morph into their true selves. I aim to be super transparent whether it’s through my writing journey, or health and fitness in My Fat Diary’s blog feature. I’m glad you’re here for it all. I’m sharing my work and looking forward to connecting and networking. Subscribe, and let me know you stopped by! 

Twenty One Weaks (the book)---…and so, I self published my first book! As a self proclaimed writer for many years, I’m super proud that my work is now available to share with you!

Twenty One Weaks -Autographed Copy
Sale Price: $9.99 Original Price: $15.00

TwentyOne Weaks

 written by Brittanie Smith

She was unforgiving to those who didn’t love her before, but then there was Kintrell Lanier; pretty bright skinned boy with soft coils and baby skin. Terrin Rhodes had no ideal what she bargained for the night she laid beneath her lover. She exasperates herself with worry, burdened with the broken promise to her father, and the shame it would bring her family if they knew her innocence had been compromised before marriage.  Read more 


Finished your manuscript and ready to move to the next stage in your writing journey? After the opinions of your friends and family, and before you submit to an editor....

introducing my new Beta Reader Services. 


Check out my Blog!

I’m always writing, and that means blogging too! If I wrote it, I’ll remind you.

Just subscribe below. Follow the journey.